Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The East Texas Sports Writing Cowboy

By Edward McFarland

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Nate Hague is a sports writer for the Marshall News Messenger in Marshall, Texas. An hour up the road from Marshall, Texas, where Hague, 32,  writes about sports, is the place where he was born and raised - Tyler, Texas.

He says having three older brothers definitely played a role in his passion for sports. Just like a baby would try to pronounce his or her first word, Hague did the same when he became exposed to sports at an early age.

“One of my brothers reminds me quite frequently that apparently I use to pronounce Eric Dickerson, Ed-Dison,” Hague said in a telephone interview.

As Hague got older and understood sports more, he says the Dallas Cowboys quickly became his favorite team. Hague said it was because the Cowboys were called "America’s Team" in addition to the star on the helmet, history of Tom Landry, and Super Bowl rings under Jimmy Johnson.

“Of course the geographical location was another huge factor,” Hague said.

Realizing that he wanted to be a sports writer, Hague attended Stephen F. Austin University for Journalism. Focused on his goal to become a sports writer, Hague got two jobs while in school that helped him gain experience as a sports writer.

Hague earned his Journalism degree in 2009, but he worked in internet marketing after graduating.

“It was, I guess, a unique experience but it wasn’t what I wanted to do,” he said. “And so I would pick up part time work here and there for papers like Tyler Morning Telegraph, Longview News Journal, The Jacksonville Daily Progress.”

Hague also wrote for the Baytown Sun in Baytown, Texas, but it was the relationship he built with the Longview News Journal that got him to the Marshall News Messenger. Hague said that both papers were owned by the same company and the stories he did for the Longview News Journal, also got onto the Marshall News Messenger.

Hague has been with the Marshall News Messenger for a year and four months now and says he loves it. The three primary schools that he covers are East Texas Baptist University, Wiley College, and the Marshall High School Mavericks.

He says his ability to see more than just a game being played is what helps him write good stories.

“Ever since I was a kid when I watched the game I would see more than just individual matchups,” Hague said.

Hague tries to set himself apart from other writers by looking beyond the obvious story of a game he is covering.

“I would always find try to find different story lines. And that’s something I try to do to this day. You know, but even if it is a high school game or a small college game or whatever I look for interesting stories that not everybody’s going to pick out,” Hague said.


Transcript Interview

[Edward McFarland] Hello I have Mr. Nate Hague here with me. A sports writer for the Marshall News Messenger. He’s been there for only for a year and four months but it seems like forever with such his great works. So how are you doing today Mr. Nate?

[Nate Hague] I’m doing great thanks for having me on.

[Edward McFarland] Most definitely. Thank you for your time so you went to SFA (Stephen F Austin University). From SFA you you went around a lot you know with your job before you eventually got to where you are now with the Marshall Messenger. So just talk about that for a little bit.

[Nate Hague] Yeah um I I went to SFA and afterwards I got a job pretty much right out of college. Um with the Baytown Sun in Baytown Texas right near Houston and um great experience there I spent about  a year and a half there and then uh went up to work with uh – went back to my hometown Tyler (Tyler, TX). To work with uh family members work with family who needed a spot filled. But it wasn’t it wasn’t the job I had it was internet marketing basically is what it was and um and and it was it was I guess a unique experience but it wasn’t what I wanted to do. And so I would pick up I picked up part time work here and there for um papers like Tyler Morning Telegraph, Longview News  Journal, the Jacksonville Daily Progress. And having those jobs those part time gigs just fed my appetite all the more. And I couldn’t wait to get back into it full time and uh and so then I started working for a newspaper in Cedar Texas just you know basically just helping me get my feet wet again helping me get back into it full time um as a sports editor there. And then I had built connections uh you know with past previous experience with like with Longview News Journal who help uh bring me onto my job as the sports editor of the Marshall News Messenger. So that’s where I am at a year and four months now. So so yeah it’s been great I can’t complain. It was a great opportunity. Too much to pass up it would have been a mistake to pass that one up.

[Edward McFarland] Yes’sir. Being from Tyler and growing up there. Where does your passion for sports come from?

[Nate Hague]  You know it’s hard to say. I mean I got 3 older brothers I know that – that definitely played a role in it. A lot of people have their memory as far as when they first got into sports and to be honest I don’t have that memory. Sports is something that I always kinda been there for me. Like it sounds weird but uh it’s always been there. Um like I remember my brother would tell you if you were to ask him I use to sit in front of the TV and try to pronounce players names. One of my brothers reminds me quite frequently that apparently I use to pronounce Eric Dickerson Ed-Dison (chuckle). Uh so yeah you know I would also watch and when I would hear somebody say they weren’t  a sports fan, I legitimately did not understand and legitimately believe them. Like how could you not like this great game of football what’s not to like about basketball and baseball an so it’s always been uh a big sports fan and that’s what got me into this business.

[Edward McFarland] Right, uh picking up on football and you being a big Dallas fan so for you to be right there in Tyler you know and I guess Dallas isn’t that far-fetched how did they become your favorite football team?

[Nate Hague]  Yeah I mean it’s down the road uh from Tyler and uh so like geographically that did make it line up and of course the Cowboys have been dubbed America’s team you know the star on the helmet. You can have the history of Tom Landry and uh then of course when I was like really into it when I was really starting to understand the game was when they were winning Super Bowls. You know they won three out of four and would’ve been more if Jerry Jones hadn’t  fire Jimmy Johnson but that’s another story but nah so  winning those Super Bowls definitely help the history definitely help –and you know of course the geographical location was another huge factor.

[Edward McFarland] Taking a shift back over into your career, is there anything specifically you know that really, that you really take pride in doing that makes you love your job all the more?

[Nate Hague] Oh man yeah.  It’s you know first of all I’ve never – Ever since I was a kid I’d like when I watch two. Like when I watched the game I would see more than just individual matchups. You know more than just two teams going head to head. I would always find try to find different story lines. And that’s something I try to do to this day. Um you know, but even if it is a high school game or a small college game or whatever but I look for interesting stories that not everybody’s gonna pick out. and so like if a wide receiver for example drops a touchdown pass in the end zone early in the 1st half and then later you know catches the winning touchdown for example I like to you know okay maybe look at the situation and go to the quarterback and hey how why did you trust him to back after he dropped the first one.  How how much  go to the receiver and ask how much of a determination did dropping the pass give you to make – make  sure you caught the second that pass at the end. Uh and so stuff like that. And so I’m definitely proud of that and uh I’m not trying to toot my horn.  I’m proud of how hard I worked. I mean during college I work two jobs throughout the majority of my college career and uh then picked up experience along the way uh in the field and um while going to school and everything so I mean stuff like that I’m definitely proud of when I look back on it.

[Edward McFarland] Right, talking about college how do you feel– How do you feel about the college teams you get to cover as well as the I wouldn’t necessarily say small but the high schools as you also get to cover as you have to you know have to sometimes drive a distance and you know sometimes the distance may not be that far but just being able to cover a variety of teams?

[Nate Hague] Yeah I mean I love that. Its uh I mean it gives you opportunity for – kinda of like the whole occasionally you’ll have the that whole ‘I knew that dance before they were famous mentality. Know I mean when you get to see of these kids you know  who make it make it big on the college ranks or an then even in fact I covered Gus Johnson at SFA who recently signed with recently sign for the – he’s an East Texas boy who recently signed with the Cowboys now. Whether or not he makes a full time spot on the team has uh yet to be seen but I’m rooting for him being an East Texan I’m rooting for him being a Cowboys fan. And it’s awesome being able to cover these college teams and high schools teams and kinda get to see watch their pretty much entire career unfold. And see where it gets to and of course um in Texas footballs’ king. And the question of lost time isn’t on a Friday night are you going to the game it’s what time are you going to the game or maybe where are you going to sitting at the game. Cause the passion for football is huge and that’s one thing I love and its awesome to see people bring communities together and uh I think people come together and watch their team and root for their team and its just an awesome opportunity to serve the people too that’s another thing another way I look at it is like where else are these people going to um hear about the Marshall Mavericks and you know the teams like the  East Texas Baptist University  Tigers which is a D3 school or Wiley College like you’re not going to find it just anywhere else. And you’re not going to turn – typically you’re not going turn on sports center to find it you know.  It’s my job to bring um news and stories from different angles to the these people and it’s a blast I love it.

[Edward McFarland] Absolutely, Well I thank you for your time Mr. Nate Hague. I greatly appreciate you. Thank you for insight on your career and the things you’ve done and been able to achieve and I look forward to seeing you down the road.

[Nate Hague] Well I appreciate it and I hope our paths cross at some point too. And uh if there is every anything you ever need don’t be afraid to hesitate.  Don’t hesitate. Don’t be afraid to. Don’t hesitate. Don’t be afraid to ask.

[Edward McFarland] Absolutely.

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