Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting Paid To Do What You Love

Dan Bondgren

He had one of the best seats in NBT Bank stadium right behind home plate.  

At first glance you might suspect him to be just an overly enthusiastic fan, notebook in hand, jotting down every play and statistic.  

Dan Bondgren is not just a fan of baseball; he is also an employee of Baseball Info Solutions—a company that specializes in collecting, interpreting, and disseminating baseball statistics.

Baseball Info Solutions assigns a group of employees to cover Double-A or Triple-A teams.

Dan’s assignment is to attend the Syracuse Chiefs game.

“There are a group of us that work for each team,” Bondgren said. “There are nine of us that work for Chiefs games. Two every day.”

For Bondgren this is just a part time job, he says he has another job that isn’t related to baseball.

Bondgren found the job listed on Craiglist three years ago.

Getting paid to watch baseball games as a part-time job is pretty nice, Bondgren said.

"You get a free ticket, they pay for the parking, and you make a couple bucks a game," Bondgren said. "There are a lot of worse things that I could be doing."

He wouldn’t reveal how much the company pays him to attend each game though.

During Chiefs games he rarely has time to put his clipboard down because of all the data he is collecting on the game, Bondgren said.

"We keep stats for minor league games that get uploaded into a computer so that if scouts or major league teams want to know the ins and outs of a player, and what they can do in certain situations they pretty much have it at their disposal," Bondgren said.

After each game, he goes home and enters the information into a computer application that the company sets up.

Bondgren says, after he puts the information in, he is still amazed with how it is compiled.

The information they gather is not open to the public, Bondgren said.

"This stuff is bought by Major League teams,” Bondgren said. “Whether they take a pitch on the first pitch, or they swing at it. What kind of opposite field power they have. That stuff is up for sale to the highest bidder from this company."

Syracuse Chiefs Fanatic

Syracuse Chiefs Aug. 6th, 2013

While he gets paid to attend almost every single game, he also knows a lot about the Chiefs as well, Bondgren said. 

"Well I said it for the last three years, the team has a lot of great assets,” Bondgren said. “the Chiefs have no middle relievers. Their starting pitching is good. They have some decent fielders. Some good bats. But they cannot find ways to finish games.”

Before he worked with Baseball Info Solutions, Bondgren says he was always a huge fan of the Syracuse Chiefs.

He even managed to cheer for the Chiefs whenever he had the chance.

Even though the team is in last place, Bondgren says he is grateful for the job and will continue to work for Baseball Info Solutions as long as he can.

To view his company’s website click here:

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