Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Burrows' Quest

Ben Burrows walks into the Newhouse 3 building at Syracuse University, in shorts and a t-shirt and finally escapes the heat. It is warm outside for everyone, but Burrows has more of a reason to dislike this heat than most. He doesn't have A/C at his home in Syracuse. Despite this, he is upbeat, positive and ready to tell his tale. 
After talking to him for a few minutes, it is clear Burrows likes baseball, a lot. He is a big Atlanta Braves fan and 14 years later still dreams of the Braves getting revenge on the NY Yankees for the 1999 World Series. A second dream of one day becoming and MLB editor for ESPN has brought him to the Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism master’s program at Syracuse University.
“I’d love to work for ESPN.” Burrows said. “I’d love to do something with baseball, and I think that’s probably the best combination of the two.”
A native of Williamsport, PA; home of the original Little League World Series, Burrows has always been involved in sports. He played baseball from the time he was 6-years-old until he was a sophomore in high school. He also participated in city league basketball and had a one-year career as a soccer player.
“I hated soccer and always will.” Burrows explained.  “I just, I don’t enjoy it, I think it’s boring. I don’t understand it, I don’t want to understand it and I think my time is better spent elsewhere,” he explained.
So while he will not watch the FIFA World Cup in 2014, Burrows does watch other sports in addition to baseball, notably football. In fact, the Atlanta Braves are not the team represented on his cellphone. Instead, his phone is decked out with the Pittsburgh Steelers logo. Even now during the rebuilding years, Burrows still cheers proudly for his team.
“Everybody goes through rebuilding years, it’s not that big of a deal.” Burrows stated. “You can only be awesome for so long.”
For Burrows, it would be awesome if the Newhouse School helped him achieve his dream career and even better if the Braves would sweep the Yankees in a future World Series. 

Interview with Ben Burrows
July 14th, 2013

Chelsea: Ok, this is Chelsea Brobst. We are here today with Ben Burrows for the Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism Program here at Newhouse. How are you today Ben?
Ben: I’m pretty good.
Chelsea: Excellent. Thank you for sitting down with me today.
Ben: No Problem.
Chelsea: So you are from Williamsport, PA.
Ben: Yeah.
Chelsea: Is that not still the home of the Little League World Series?
Ben: Technically no.
Chelsea: No?
Ben: No, it’s the home of the original Little League World Series.
Chelsea: Oh.
Ben: It has since been moved to South Williamsport.
Chelsea: Oh, I’m sorry.
Ben: It’s ok, no big deal.
Chelsea: So while we are on the topic of Little League, you are a baseball fan correct?
Ben: Right.
Chelsea: Atlanta Braves, Chipper Jones.
Ben: Yes.
Chelsea: How did that come about?
Ben: You know, I think I’d be lying if I didn’t say I ended up being one of the Baby Braves fans, where they were owned by Ted Turner, he throws them on TBS everyday. You grow up watching them and Chipper Jones is just a beast. What’s not to like?
Chelsea: Are your parents, family members, anyone else Braves fans?
Ben: They watch it just to keep up with me. But other than that, they’re not huge Braves fans or anything.
Chelsea: Ok, and so you played as a child and throughout most of your high school career?
Ben: Yep yep. I played from when I was about six, up through my sophomore year of high school. So, I played for a while
Chelsea: Is there a reason you didn’t play all through high school?
Ben: Yeah, I was actually one of those kids that, one I sucked. And two I got hurt so it just ended up not being worth it. So I kind of just let it go.
Chelsea: And what positions did you play?
Ben: I usually pitched or played shortstop, went in between those two.
Chelsea: What’s the fastest speedball you’ve ever thrown?
Ben: What’s the fastest I’ve ever thrown.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Or do you not know?
Ben: I think it was in the mid-80’s. Probably around 84 or 85.
Chelsea: Much faster than I could ever throw.
Ben: I hope so. I’m a lot bigger than you are.
Chelsea: I can’t throw even, whatever. And you also played soccer for one year? And that didn’t go well?
Ben: No, that was when I realized I hated soccer and always will. I just, I don’t enjoy it, I think it’s boring. I don’t understand it, I don’t want to understand it and I think my time is better spent elsewhere.
Chelsea: So you won’t be watching the World Cup next year?
Ben: No I’d rather go to sleep or something like that.
Chelsea: Ok, so you won’t have the, what was it, Vuvuzelas from last time?
Ben: No, no that’s dumb too. Just like the sport.
Chelsea: Ok and you also played city league basketball? And you said you had a favorite player but he didn’t make it to the NBA. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Ben: Yeah. I’m not a big fan of individual teams for basketball, whether it’s the NBA or college, or what have you. But I do follow individual players, and I have to say my favorite college player ever was Jeff Adrien from UCONN. I loved the way he played. I loved his style. I loved how he had a relentless motor. I loved how he was always the smartest player on the floor and was always willing to do whatever it took to win. I was a little disappointed he didn’t make it in the NBA. But you know, not everybody can.
Chelsea: That’s true. And you also like basketball but you don’t really have a team for that one right?
Ben: Right.
Chelsea: But you do have a football team?
Ben: Right. I’m a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I’m from Central PA, so it’s either the Steelers or the Eagles, and I’m not an Eagles fan.
Chelsea: So even during their rebuilding years, you’re a fan of the Steelers?
Ben: Yeah.  Yeah, I don’t like the Steelers fans that complain during the rebuilding years. Pittsburgh, they’ve got six Super Bowls, they’ve won twice since the turn of the decade. Everybody goes through rebuilding years, it’s not that big of a deal. You can only be awesome for so long.
Chelsea: And then you have to rebuild to become awesome again.
Ben: Yes, and they are doing that now.
Chelsea: And why did you come to Newhouse? Was it because of the sports program here?
Ben: That was a big part of it. You know Newhouse, obviously is very well known. A lot of the best sports media members, with some of the biggest organizations, are Newhouse graduates. So, Newhouse kind of sold itself to me. But, SCE really helped put it over the top for me. Obviously I want to do stuff with sports as much as I can, so having a few extra classes where I can just talk about sports kind of put it over the top.
Chelsea: And what would be your dream job?
Ben: I think my dream job would probably be one of the MLB editors for ESPN. I’d love to work for ESPN. I’d love to do something with baseball, and I think that’s probably the best combination of the two.
Chelsea: And last question, dream matchup in the World Series?
Ben: My dream matchup in the World Series, as a Braves fan, would be the Braves playing the Yankees, and sweeping them to get revenge for 1999. When they cheated.
Chelsea: Did you watch the ‘99 World Series?
Ben: Yes and I don’t want to talk about it.
Chelsea: All right, well that’s a good way to end this. Thank you Ben.
Ben: Yep, you’re welcome.

Click here to access the interview on SoundCloud.

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