Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Confessions of a Life Long Yankee Fan:Brittany Jones

Brittany Jones quietly settled back into the wooden chair sitting in the living room at 839 E. Colvin Street. Her team loyalties seemed evident by the royal blue Knicks T-jersey she was wearing.  Shortly after sitting down, however, she made it evident that her true passion was Yankee baseball.  For Jones her love affair with the Bronx Bombers started at a young age.

“My first Yankee game was at the age of three…. It was a Yankee game in April when it snowed.  Pettite was on the mound.”

A love of sports was “whipped” into her by her father from a young age, as she describes it.  Ever since attending that first Yankees game she has been hooked on baseball and softball. 

Growing up Brittany played softball up until she graduated high school.  When it was time to go off to college she knew she wanted to go into sports, but she did not really know what aspect of sports she truly loved.  After graduating with a degree in sports management Brittany knew that she wanted to get into sideline reporting and play-by-play.  

Having grown up listening to and watching the Yankees, Jones knew without hesitation who her role model in the broadcast world was.  When she was asked she immediately responded with John Sterling.  

With her love for all things New York sports Brittany dreams of one day making a living reporting on her favorite New York teams, the Yankees, Giants, and Rangers.  For this graduate student and passionate Yankee fan the chance to work alongside Yankee play-by-play man Sterling would is something she keeps in the back of her mind as she gets better at her craft everyday. 

Interview Transcription

Isaac Berky: Alright could you start by just giving me your name and spelling it for me?
Brittany Jones: My name is Brittany Jones. B-R-I-T-T-A-N-Y J-O-N-E-S
IB: Now you’re a part of the sports communication emphasis program.  What’s your background growing up with sports?
BJ: Oh well I grew up around sports all the time. I have three sisters and a brother, but my brother is the youngest so my father decided to whip all his daughters into loving sports. I started playing softball at the age of four and played until around roughly 17, 18 years old.  Umm My first Yankee game was at the age of three.  I went to the home, I think Im not sure if it was the home opener. It was a Yankee game in April when it snowed, Pettite was on the mound so like I was there. So yeah I’ve just always loved and had a passion for sports.
IB: So would you say that softball and baseball would be the sports that you are the most passionate about?
BJ:  Yes, contrary to the shirt that I’m wearing. I am a huge passionate Yankee fan.  I love the Knicks but baseball is first in my life. 
IB: Now what made you decide to come here and take care of, I mean take part in the sports emphasis program?  Was it this passion for baseball and softball or something else?
BJ: Umm yes mainly.  I actually have my undergraduate degree in sports management. I thought I was going to do more towards marketing and management but I found a passion in blogging and communications so I decided to come to Newhouse and hopefully pursue a career in sideline reporting.
IB: So would your long term goal be to say get a job working for ESPN as a side line reporter?
BJ:Yes. Umm Espn or mainly I want to do MSG which is for the Knicks or Yes Network which is for the Yankees.
IB: Know you said you played softball growing up.  What are some of your fondest memories of your time playing softball whether as a kid or throughout high school?
BJ: Umm I would say I had the opportunity of playing softball with my sister.  So um we had a lot of, we played around a lot I would say. I was at shortstop she was at second base so it was just a lot of planned activity between each other.  We would just talk while the game was going on or do tricks or whatever.  So that was my fondest memory. Playing with her.
IB:  Now you’ve specifically talked about softball. Are there other sports that you really have a passion for and want to get involved in or is it just baseball and softball?
BJ: Umm I would say that baseball is my first love but I do enjoy basketball.  My favorite team in basketball is the Knicks.  I would love to be a sideline reporter for the Knicks.  Someone I actually look up to is Tina Cervasio. Which she does sideline reporting for MSG. I also love the Giants and I like the New York Rangers. So pursuing a career in any of that is, would be a dream.
IB: So after you get done you would want to stay around, New York City and work around there?
BJ: Well, I would love to work in New York just because I love the teams here, but I wouldn’t mind venturing elsewhere.  I want to start off as a sideline reporter then I want to move towards play-by-play
IB:Now as someone who want to move towards play-by-play.  Who are some people you look up to in the play-by-play world?
BJ: I would have to say John Sterling.  I absolutely love John Sterling.  He does play-by-play for the Yankees and I probably mock everything that he does.  I love listening to him.
IB: Alright. Thanks for your time today.

Full Interview Video

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