Friday, July 21, 2017

It's All About Baseball & BBQ Chicken: Get to Know Corey Crisan

Story & Photo by Julian Whigham

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Corey Crisan has a passion for sports and sports communication across several platform and, at 24, already has a history of covering just about every sport but baseball is his first love.

“I’ve always had a love for the Indians,” he said. “I was born with a heart defect so I couldn’t play any other sport.  Couldn’t play contact sports, you know. No football.  No basketball. So, baseball was there.”

Crisan hails from Masury,  a small town in Northeast Ohio populated by fewer than three thousand people.

Originally a chemistry major at Youngstown State, Crisan found his was to broadcast in his sophomore year of college. Seeking something new, he bonded together his passion for sports with his ability to communicate. 

“I figured I’d put two and two together and make it career.” he said.  

Now he is a Broadcast & Digital Broadcast master’s student at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications with a Sports Communication Emphasis pursuing something he says matters.

."It brings friends together. It brings people.  So definitely, when I started working in sports that’s when it all took off for me." 


Audio Interview Link Part 1 | Part 2 


Interview Transcript 

Q.  Let’s talk about what first drew you to sports and your favorite sport.

Corey:  Well you know what, first off, my favorite sport is baseball, I grew up loving baseball l- The Cleveland Indians, growing up in North East Ohio. I’ve always had a love for the Indians.  I was born with a heart defect so I couldn’t play any other sport.  Couldn’t play contact sports you know. No football.  No basketball. So, baseball was there.  I grew up a big baseball fan.  What drew me to it? My grandfather was a huge Indians fan and everything else was second tier to him.  So, I’ve always loved sports as a kid but I think baseball was always the number one for me.

Q:  Cleveland Indians fan?

Corey:  Go Tribe.

Q:  How are they looking this year?

Corey:  They’re looking pretty good.  They’ve hit a few dark spots, they’ve had some injuries. Maybe during the trade deadline coming up, they’ll have to make a move but I still think on paper they have one of the best rosters in the American league. They could get back to the World Series this year. 

Q:  What drew you to broadcasting? I can tell you have a lot of love for speaking your mind on the game.

Corey:  Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but I really don’t think I figured that out until, believe it or not, my second year of college.  I started off in undergrad a chemistry major.  I was going for pharmacy.  I wanted to go to pharmacy school, and I figured well, I like science and could make a lot of money doing it.  But then obviously I fell out of that and I always loved sports like we said and I figured why not put two and two together and make it a career.  So I got in touch with some people at my undergrad institution at Youngstown State.  I got involved in their broadcasting program they’d just implemented and I kind of fell into again. And so, it all worked out for me.  I got to work with the radio station there.  Call some games and really it just all worked out for me.

Q:  What else is there to do in your hometown. Cleveland, I know it’s a big sports town.  But there’s always been a little bit of a cloud over your teams lately. You’ve got to find something else to do when they’re not winning, what is it?

Corey:  Well, when the Indians aren’t winning and the Cavs aren’t winning championships.  In the city of Cleveland. I’m from northeast Ohio in general, but I go to Cleveland a lot.  There’s a lot of boating up there.  There’s a lot to do around the lake. You can go in the river and do some boating around there up in the flats around the city.  There’s some good food up there too.

Q:  Really?

Corey:  Really.  There’s some Mable’s BBQ.  There’s, anything on East Forest Street.  Head up there, it’s a nice little district.  You can go to Playhouse Square and spend the day there.  There’s quite a bit to do up there. I think people are just afraid to go up and explore it.  I think there’s this national notion that there’s just this dark cloud over the city, hanging around at all times. And really, that’s not the case.  It’s a nice city if you go out and explore it.

Q:  Favorite Food?

Corey:  My favorite food? That’s a tough one. I love chicken.  …I love chicken.  Probably BBQ chicken. It’s a tie between BBQ chicken and during Christmas time we get pierogis from this local church near my mom’s house. So, it’s either those pierogis, they’re cheese pierogis are amazing or …I love BBQ chicken, it’s delicious.

Q:  Any other sports you like covering outside of baseball?

Corey:  You know what, growing up in Northeast Ohio – Big Football town.  Big football area.  I’m probably an hour outside of Canton.  So, I’ve made some trips over to the hall of fame.  I worked over in Akron were there’s a lot of good high school football.  I had the pleasure of covering my local football for The Vindicator it’s the newspaper in Youngstown and I learned that high school football is really the most fun form of football and I really enjoyed it. Just had a blast covering it. So, to answer your question, specifically, I would say it’s high school football.

Q:  Yeah high school football, there’s still a lot of passion still in the game. Still guys want to get recruited and everything, right?

Corey:  Yeah absolutely.  And you play for your school.  In college, you play for the school, but the high school kids, a lot of them don’t make it to the college level so a lot of them kind of lay it all out on the line anyway for their hometown. You know, their parents get to see them play.  Maybe the girlfriend or whatever.  But it’s a lot of fun seeing that level of football.  Because that’s where the raw emotion is so it was a lot of fun covering it. I can’t even imagine coaching or playing in it. 

Q:  Tell me about your college experience at Youngstown State. How was that?

Corey:  Oh the penguins!  Well, like I said, the first couple years I was in the sciences.  I was busy with a lot of school work and I just didn’t like it so once I got into the sports field that’s when I started having fun.  I was a commuter to the campus so I didn’t do the partying or anything like that.  But working in sports opened so many opportunities, it created a lot of friendships for me.  I mean last year the penguins went to the national championship game and along with that ride I made great friends there.  We would go to the games, working the games of course, but the vibe around the entire community during that span specifically – it was just outstanding.  We all kind of came together for it.  We rallied behind the team of course.  And that’s one of the things I like about sports.  You as well can attest to this, and how it brings together a community.  It brings friends together. It brings people.  So definitely, when I started working in sports that’s when it all took off for me. 

Q:  Thanks Corey.

Corey:  Thanks Julian, ‘preciate it.

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