Friday, July 21, 2017

Tyler Dudley: 2100 Miles From Home

Tyler Dudley: 2,100 Miles From Home

Story and Photo by Tasha Babers

SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Some have a dream but settle for less due to fear of risk. Tyler Dudley is not one of those people.

Tyler Dudley, 22, Syracuse BDJ Masters Student
Texas native Tyler Dudley has always known she wanted to be a sports broadcaster. After gaining acceptance into the masters broadcast program at Syracuse University, Dudley made the bold move to Upstate, New York.

“Coming to Syracuse was a big deal,” Dudley said, “I’m from Texas, I’m 2,100 miles away from home, it’s the top school in the country.”

Dudley’s love of sports began in kindergarten and continued throughout high school where she played soccer and volleyball. It was there, her transition from player to reporter began. As a St. Mary’s undergraduate, Dudley began working for an ABC affiliate in San Antonio in the sports department covering high school football. She also did play-by-play and color commentary for home basketball and volleyball games. This was not Dudley’s greatest feat.

Dudley was approached by ESPN’s Sportscenter "Top 10" after doing play-by-play for St. Mary's home basketball game. Sportscenter asked St. Mary’s athletic department to use the final buzzer play in which Dudley was commentating as one of their top tens.

“I don’t think I could describe how it felt,” Dudley said, smiling. “I think that really reassured me, like okay, like I’m good at what I want to do.”

Some people travel 2,100 miles from home to chase their dreams. Dudley, is one of those people.

An Audio Version of the Interview Can Be Found Here.

Full Transcript of the Interview Follows:

Q: How did you first start, with your full life and your of love sports, how did that start for you?

A: Starting in Kindergarten I played soccer, I swam, I did track, cross country, volleyball, all of that. I was always very involved with sports, I was always an athlete from middle school until I graduated high school I was always in a sport. The only thing I didn’t play was collegiate sports, I went to focus more on school.

Q: Did you have a favorite sport you played when you were growing up?

A: To play, I would say soccer and volleyball would be my favorite.

Q: What made those two your favorite?

A: I played volleyball for like six years, and it was just, it was just really fun. The people I played with, I loved my coaches, and I also played soccer for about fifteen or sixteen years. It was the first sport I played so I kinda like gave it my all when I first started being an athlete.

Q: Were your family involved in sports that got you interested in it at first?

A: Not so much my parents, but more so my god parents. My godmother who is my mom’s sister, she would take me to all my soccer games, all my soccer practices, they were always there on the sideline cheering for me so that kinda was a really big motivation.

Q: Did your god mother play sports growing up?

A: My godmother didn’t, but my godfather did, he played football.

Q: Cool, so how did it transition from you playing the sport to you wanting to write about sports?

A: So, once I stopped playing sports after high school, I knew that I wanted to stay involved with sports just because I love the whole atmosphere about it. I love that it brings people together. I would say what really got me into sports broadcasting was my sophomore year of my undergrad. I worked for, my sophomore and junior year actually, I worked for the ABC affiliate in San Antonio. I worked for the ABC affiliate in San Antonia and I worked in the sports department and I helped cover their high school football. And then from there at St. Mary’s in my undergrad I worked in the athletics department and I did play-by-play and color commentary for all of our home games, mostly volleyball and basketball.

Q: Did you have a favorite between color and play-by-play?

A: Play-by-play for volleyball was my favorite, and color commentary for basketball was my favorite, just because I know more about volleyball than I do basketball.

Q: So, after you did that in high school, was there a moment that you knew I wanted to do this as a career or did you start your major as something else at first?

A: I always knew that I wanted, I’ve known since like middle school that I wanted to be a sports broadcaster. I would say my junior year of my undergrad I did play-by-play commentary, I was doing play-by-play commentary with one of my friends for a home basketball game, and we won the game and it was a crazy overtime game. And one of my friends took the game winning shot into overtime, and that play, we would stream our home games live on the internet, and that play got noticed by Sportscenter. And Sportscenter Top 10 reached out to the athletic department, and reached out to us asking if they could use that play as one of their top ten plays. And I think that really reassured me like okay like I’m good at what I want to do, like I feel a lot more confident.

Q: So besides giving you confidence was there anything else when that play was played on Sportscenter, that like gave you any other emotion?

A: I think the recognition, and the fact that I had like friends texting me and saying, “Hey, like that play last night were you working the game?” And I was like yeah, I was working the game! And they were like, “Oh my God, that’s so cool, like how did it happen, and like blah, blah, blah.” Kind of like asking like how it felt and like I don’t think I could describe how it felt. I just remember my boss texting everyone in the athletic department like in a group message like with the link and was like, “Hey guys look what I just got. An email from one of the guys at Sportscenter and like they asked like if they had their permission.” And he like had to ask us, cause it was our voices, and he was like if you guys aren’t comfortable, and I was like Oh I am more than comfortable. I’m not gonna argue that, like of course I’ll do it. That’s fine, go ahead use it. And it was really cool like just to see, St. Mary’s is a small D2 school like nobody really knows about it. So, it’s kinda cool to see our school put on the map even if it was just for that one night.

Q: So, what made you decide to get more training at Syracuse with the master’s program?

A: I knew that with my undergrad my classes, I was an English communications major, but at St. Mary’s it didn’t really offer a lot of communication classes. It was more like writing based, and I knew I wanted to get more practice with the reporting and the broadcasting and I knew that going to grad school would be the only way that I would really be able to get that training rather than hands on and going straight into the field I didn’t feel prepared at all. And coming to Syracuse was a big deal, I’m from Texas, I’m 2100 miles away from home, it’s the top school in the country and I had a few people from undergrad who were also alums from St. Mary’s and from Syracuse and they spoke nothing but good things about Syracuse. And so, I knew that like I made the right decision coming here.

Q: Thanks Tyler.

A: You’re welcome Tasha.

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