Friday, August 4, 2017

A Sports Writer That Covers It All

Story by Dominique Patrick. 
Photos by Murilo Borges

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- It seems almost impossible to think that one man, who isn't the leader of a country, has such a huge responsibility of representing of his people.

Murilo Borges, Brazil native, has the responsibility as a journalist. He must relay important information and news back to his country. Because of the bad name journalists have been given, being a one doesn't sound like a position of high honor, but Borges says for him it is much different.

Because of Brazil's media monopoly, the network Borges works for, Grupo de Bandeirantes, has three television stations and two radio stations.

Which does he report for? Both. What does he report on? Everything.

This is, somewhat, out of the norm in America. One doesn't usually cover every category there is in news. For one, it could be extremely tiring for a person to cover all forms and all subjects of news and media. Borges does it on a regular basis finding out important news and deciding how to report on it for his country to hear.

Furthermore, most people work towards a goal to become an international correspondent. Borges did not choose a profession that has such a huge responsibility attached to it--the life of a journalist chose him.

"I would've like to [choose]. It was always like a dream for me, but it just happened. I'm the only one guy in the United States to work for them. So, I'm always [reporting] live," Borges said.

The constant pressure to obtain information and transfer it back to Brazil forces Borges to indulge in long work hours. Some of these days consist of nearly 20 hours of writing and reporting in order to get a great story. Borges may cover features, games or President Trump's tweets. He never knows what's the next task at hand.

This aspect may be relatable in both America and Brazil.

"I do [cover] whatever happens here. Like, today just for an example, a Brazilian soccer player, Neymar, I don't know if you guys know him, but he is one of the best in the world. He is here in New York for preseason so that matters for us," Borges continues, "So I talk more about that. If Neymar wasn't here I would probably talk about Jack Kushner. It's crazy I can choose to talk about whatever they want."

Though most of Borges work in is Portuguese, the dedication and responsibility to his country speaks for itself--earning him coverage in the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics where he interviewed Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt.

He continues to be a main source of news for his country through Grupo de Banderientes. Now, he is living in New York City and handling all topics of media for Brazil. The leadership that comes with being an international correspondent gives him a lot of power in deciding what is newsworthy. The company must have an extreme amount of trust in their lone international journalist.

A transcription of my conversation with Murilo is below but you can check out the audio version here.
Q: What was your journey like to where you are now and why did you choose to be a international correspondent? 
A: Well I never chose to be a international correspondent I would like to it was always like a dream for me but it just happened. Actually I was trying to go to Barcelona and then they came to New York for me so was kinda lucky coming here and I just arrived here and my routine of work is pretty crazy to just depends each day its a different day but I am working for the second biggest communication company in Brazil and we own three TV and two radio. And, I'm the only one guy in the U.S. that works for them. So, I'm always live. Like everything I'm always live on TV or on the radio so it's pretty busy its whatever ever trump says or tweets.

Q: How has your life changed in Brazil are you famous there? Do you have fame in New York?
A: Well, I'm living alone here all by myself here. Well in Brazil I don't know with famous is but I'm always working with sports now that I'm getting into politics so the sports world people know me but talking about journalists and in economy politics they still don't know me. But, it changes a lot.

Q: What's the most rewarding experience about being a international correspondent?
A: Well, just to have the opportunity to do that take the information for my country and its a pleasure the best is going to come. Following all having a very controversial president like the country is kind of divided 50/50 and also I'm as I told you a sports fan I am pretty excited to follow like the NBA when it starts the NFL that kind of stuff so ii might be able to go to those great stadiums I'm looking forward to the U.S. Open.

Q: So, right now you're doing sports and going into politics or your'e doing a little bit of both?
A: I do whatever happens here. Like, Today just for an example Brazil soccer player, Neymar, I don't know if you guys know him, but he is one of the best in the world. But, he is here in New York for preseason so that matters for us so I talk more about that. If, Neymar, he wasn't here I probably talk about Jack Kushner, and it's crazy I can choose to talk about whatever they want.

Q: Do you think you have a big responsibility to relay those messages back and that news back to Brazil?
A: Yea! It is it is a big responsibility even more in the US now that they are all divided. For Fox, he's great; for CNN, he's horrible. This kind of stuff I don't know how to really explain it in English it's....

Q: Chaotic?
A: Yea! its fun to watch as a journalist. how two great medias work in subjectively different ways he's the same guy and one he's A+ for another it's an F.

Q: What was the most exciting part for covering the 2016 Olympics and the 2014 FIFA?
A: I went also to Spain to do the basketball work and that was pretty nice experience too. the olympics was just a nice experience. It was a amazing. Talking to these people like Michael Phelps and Bolt interviewing them live at that time. That really brought me a different level of person. It wasn't even like the journalist. It was one of my dreams to cover a competition like that I had an opportunity to talk with them to interview them to ask whatever I wanted. That was just unbelievable it was just two great experiences. Over there in the world cup for us, the futbol world cup I mean or soccer how you say that. It was a great experience too the country was paralyzed watching that. we had like a really horrible lost in the final like 7-1 and the country like was upside don and it was really harsh work actually people were really mad and you had to talk for two hours about the game that was like the m gam ever . Different kind of emotions when this kind of competitions we work we are all like so intense working like 18, 19 hours daily. And, when something happens you just lose your mind.

Q: How many languages do you speak?
A: Well, just Portuguese I can communicate in English and also Spanish. I can interview athletes in those three languages For now

Q: Where can we find your work?
A: Youtube. It's all in Portuguese though.

Q: Thank you so much for speaking with me and good luck to you
A: No problem.

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