Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kids Sports Fans

By Tyler Dudley 

Syracuse, N.Y. -- Above is a video in regards to why I think kids sports fans are better than adult fans. 

Below you will find a transcription along with two links about kids sports fans

When I think of sports fans, I think of kids. Most people think of adults, but I think kids sports fans are the best sports fans. Kids are so young, they don't care what other people are thinking. Kids are so young they don't really think about what they are saying and I think that's the best part. They say stuff that doesn't really make sense sometimes and that's okay because that's what makes the game fun. 

I think most kids, they like to stand on their seat and they like to yell at the other team and they like to yell for their team and that's the best part. When you're in a crowd full of people and you see a kid yelling, you see the passion that they have for the game. And I think thats what adults could learn from kids. 

I think most adult fans really focus on who's winning, who's doing good, who's doing bad - what players are doing good, what players are doing bad and it's so much more than that. I think when you go to a football game, and you should enjoy the game. You should watch the crowd and I think kids are the best part of the crowd and I think it should stay like that. And I think kids should always be a part of sports.  

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