Tuesday, August 2, 2016

There Must be Moore

By Hernz Laguerre, Jr.

Syracuse, NY -- Ashley Moore of Longview, Texas says she hopes to be the next Sage Steele and plans on getting there by being competitive.

Moore's competitive drive stems from her basketball roots. It is from this same love of basketball that led her to pursue her master's degree in broadcast journalism at Syracuse University.

"When I was little I used to watch basketball and I used to see the bright orange jerseys on TV", Moore said during an interview.

 "I never thought I would go there. One day after undergrad I saw a Syracuse ad pop up...and here I am".

Moore played basketball until college where she tore her ACL which ended her career. Reporting basketball is a realm she says she is enjoying more than playing it. She says her knowledge of the game will benefit her career but she admits that there is still much for her to learn and she is open to the knowledge.

"Every time I see someone with a skill set I don't have, I read up on it. I research it...and try to be more knowledgeable on the game. Moore adds, "I get into a lot of sports debates but I really do that because if you know something that I don't know, I want to know more about it...it enhances my IQ on what I'm not an expert on."

Moore definitely proved her knowledge on basketball when it came to discussing the recent Kevin Durant grouping with the 2015 NBA Champions, The Golden State Warriors. She says there needs to be more competition in the sport. Moore also agrees with NBA commissioner, Adam Silver, that the NBA needs to be restructured in order to nurture the competition.

She knew the ins and outs of the situation and compared Kevin Durant's trade to that of NBA history. She says that there has never been a powerhouse team such as Golden State and that will lead to a lack of competition.

Competition is a part of Moore's genetics as is her love for basketball and sports journalism. When asked to complete a sentence to encompass who she is, she game me more than one.

"Ashley Moore is dynamic. Ashley Moore is competitive. Ashley Moore is the greatest sports reporter that I've ever seen."

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Full the full audio version of the interview click here

Transcription of the interview:
Hernz: Hello this is Hernz Laguerre, Jr. here with Ashley Moore. Thank you for meeting with me today.
Ashley: Oh you're welcome.

Hernz: Let's get to the first question.

Hernz: Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from?
Ashley: I'm from Longview, Texas. It is a small town in Texas. It is about three and a half hours north of Houston. So I'm a long ways away from home but I'm here at Newhouse trying to become a sports reporter so we'll see how it goes.

Hernz: What brought you to Syracuse?
Ashley: Well, when I was little I used to watch basketball. I'm huge on basketball. I used to watch basketball and I used to see the bright orange jerseys on tv and I never thought I would go there cause I always wanted to go to Duke. After undergrad I was working in the office and I saw a Syracuse add pop up and I was like hmmm let me look into Syracuse. And here I am.

Hernz: Now you said you play basketball. When did you start playing basketball? When did you get into that?
Ashley: I started playing basketball when I was five and then I stopped playing basketball when I graduated. I tore my ACL, so that was the end of that. So now I just play every now and then. Pick up at the rec with people, but I love watching basketball. Once you play it and then watch it you have more of an understanding on how the game goes and commentating and analyzing.

Hernz: How was your mindset when you got injured? I know for some people it either changes their direction or makes little difference. Did it affect you like that?
Ashley: No not really because I never really wanted to play in the WNBA I've always been realistic they make no money. I've always been realistic, i never wanted to play in the WNBA. I did want to play in college but after I tore my ACL that was out but I did have a lot of academic Scholarship so it didn't matter anyway I was still gonna play for fun. Once I got to U of H a lot of friends were telling me that I should walk-on the team but then it took a lot of time–busy schedules–so then I decided not to play basketball anymore.

Hernz: How does it feel now to not be a student athlete? Does it feel weird?
Ashley: No not at all. I still play pick-up games at the rec every now and then but it doesn't feel weird at all. I actually enjoy being able to play for fun and wanting to actually report sports–I actually like this side better than playing because there is too much pressure playing.

Hernz:Where do you see yourself in this career? Surely there is a pressure being a reporter? Where do you see yourself in that?
Ashley: Well I do see myself as the modern day Sage Steele. I'll be working for ESPN, ABC games. I'm on a panel moderating with the great analyst like Jalen Rose. Maybe then Tim Duncan will become an analyst and you never know. My dream job would be working with the NBA. Moderating or commentating or analyzing the game–with some of the greats in the game.

Hernz: What do you think sets you apart from other people?
Ashley: What sets me apart from other people, I guess I'm really goal oriented. When it comes to goals, coming from Texas to Syracuse, a lot of people were saying how did you leave home. Home is so far away, how did you do that? It's something you got to do. I'm not afraid to go all the way to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or something like that. And then I am very social so I have made a lot of connections, and I plan on making more connections because it is not what you know but who you know. So one thing I am good with is networking so I'm hoping it gets me a long way plus I'm knowledgeable I read up on a lot of sports. Hopefully that gets me a long way but I do believe that's what sets me apart–me being able to be very versatile.

Hernz: So you said you read up a lot. Let me ask you a question that is hot right now. How do you feel about the whole Kevin Durant thing?
Ashley: Well I'm a huge Lebron James fan. And when Lebron James went to Miami Keving Durant made a tweet he said what happened to the competitiveness in the game. And Kevin Durant just went to a team to make it the super team in the NBA. I'm pretty sure this is the most stacked team in the NBA we've ever seen. Now he does get his own decisions but if you make a comment about someone else going to another team, you talking about competition, you basically went there because you don't beleive you can get a ring by yourself. They were so close to get a ring last year. It's like if you beat me up and the next day I wear a T-Shirt that says I love Hernz–it's weird.

Hernz: Is there any justifying it? Is there anything on his side?
Ashley: Nope I don't get it at all. It is not his home town. He didn't go back to his hometown. It's not like they weren't close enough at OKC. With the whole Kevin Durant thing, i just do not like the move because now Golden State has to rethink their whole little motto. There are no longer strength in numbers. It's gone and if Kevin Durant does not win with Golden State its gonna look terrible on his legacy. And I'm hoping Lebron James does win because it furthers puts him in the debate as the goat. I hope he beats this super super team because it will just make Lebron James better at the end of the day. I'm not worried about Kevin Durant.

Hernz: Last question on that, do you think its the NBA's fault or do you think it's on the players?
Ashley: Good thing you said that because I believe the Commissioner of the NBA is talking about making some structural changes to change the competitiveness of the league so that everybody isn't on super teams. So I believe they are gonna look at some changes to make it more competitive. So everybody not just hoping on a team. Of course players should be able to choose where they want to go. Back before free agencies existed players were saying they were slaves to a contract. I mean stay competitive and stop hopping on things with players better than you–two time MVP's. Already championships. I'm just saying they need to bring back the competitiveness of the league.

Hernz: What keeps you competitve?
Ashley: I don't know. It is just in my nature to win. I just want to win. Every time I see someone or somebody with a skill set I don't have then I read up on it. I research it and everything. And I'm social a lot of people don't understand that I get into a lot of sport debates but I really do that because if you know something that i don't know you want to know more about it so that it enhances my IQ when it comes to different sports I'm not an expect on. I wouldn't say I'm an expect in any sport. I'm close to it in basketball but I can still learn more. Trying to get to the top–everybody has the main goal or a common trait in mind. Different folks different strokes. So you got to realize what makes you tic and what makes you successful. Find the things that work with you as an individual.

Hernz:What is your philosophy for life?
Ashley:My philosophy for life is live well have fun. Live well have fun. Of course you have to live well but when you do have fun. At least have fun. You got to prioritize and I'm good at prioritizing.
Live well and have fun.

Hernz: Finish this sentence: Ashley Moore is______
Ashley:: Ashley Moore is dynamic. Ashley more is competitive. Ashley Moore is great sports broadcaster I have ever met. So bringing that into fluition.

Hernz" Thank you Ashley. I appreciate you.

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