Wednesday, August 3, 2016

To Be the Best, Train Like the Best

Published August 2, 2016

Story and video by Kelsey Snider
Photos by Kelsey Snider and Colorado State University Volleyball

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Today’s kids will never understand the feeling of losing.

I remember the first day I lost. I was at a track meet. I was running the 100-meter dash, and I lost by just a hair. And I remember going up to my dad, and I was crying; I was balling, and I couldn’t fathom the fact that I had just lost. He told me, Kels if you want to be the best you have to train like the best.

That’s the issue with today’s kids with everyone getting a participation ribbon. They don’t understand what it means to lose. They don’t understand the meaning of hard work. They don’t understand that to be the best, you need to train like the best. It’s an issue.

DeAngelo Williams, he is part of the Pittsburg Steelers, he actually took away his daughter’s participation ribbon because he was like, no honey you didn’t win. I think that’s the key point that people need to hit on now. If you’re not the best, train like the best. If you want to be the best, train like the best. It’s not going to be a hand out. You should feel entitled to win. If you want to win, train to win.

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