Sunday, July 21, 2019

"Rome Wasn't Built in One Day": The Story of Troy Rose

By Cole Johnson

If you would have asked Troy Rose what career he was pursuing five years ago, he would not have had an answer.

A descendant of Detroit, Rose grew up with a shear love for the game of basketball thanks to his uncle and the Detroit Pistons. His only vision was winning on the court.

His competing mentality was on the right track but without a clear goal in mind, Rose found himself losing his way. Throughout his high school career, Rose admitted to never finishing a full season because he could not stay out of trouble. It was even affecting his decision to further his education.

"When I graduated high school, I told myself I wasn't going to college," said Rose.

But at the age of 23, Rose finds himself at Newhouse after an undergraduate degree from Michigan State University. It was self-progress and growth that Rose ultimately credits for his big turnaround. 

"I’ve grown learn to not make those same bone-headed mistakes," he said. "You’re not going to ever be a perfect man but you’re not going to be the man who you truly want to be without progress."

He has now taken the love for basketball that he gained as a child and is using it to pursue sports journalism: two things that seem to go hand in hand for the Detroit native. 

"I see myself, first and foremost, being someone that the people can trust," Rose said. "Whether I’m a point guard or whether I’m a reporter."

Through the trials and tribulations, Rose looks to his daily progress to set him apart.

“I just want to utilize myself as a growth tool for people to look at,” said Rose. “Obviously Rome wasn’t built in one day but throughout time and throughout progress, you can easily be successful.”

You can access the full Q&A transcript here and you can access the full audio interview here.

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