Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sports Matters: Telling a Story through the Lens

Herm Card, Photo credit: M.F. Piraino
Forty-two years on the field, fifty in total, and a wealth of knowledge, this is what Herm Card encompasses.

From umpire, to a rules coach, he has taken a Sport dear to him, baseball, and transitioned into what would become a passion: Photojournalism.

The official photographer of the Syracuse Mets, his past experiences helped catapult him to where he is today.

“I used photography a lot when I was teaching.”

“I was asked to work for a newspaper here, the Eagle Newspapers, and part of the thing was taking my own photographs,” said Card.

Sports has a unique way of bringing people together, and for Card, there is a mantra tied to it: Sports Matters.

“Sports is important on many levels: there’s sort of the intellectual level, there’s the emotional level, and there’s the whack-job fan level.”

“And I think that I’m less the whack-job fan, as opposed to the intellectual and emotional, and sort of the poetic side of sports because there’s more to it than wins and losses,” adds Card.

From the field to the classroom, Card is empathetic in his way of giving back to the next generation of talent.

“I think how I would wanna be seen as somebody who cares about making things better.”

“I always felt that as an umpire, my job was to make things better, and as a teacher, was to make young people better. And it still is at Newhouse, to make young people like yourself, better at what you aspire to do,” he adds.   

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