Sunday, July 21, 2019

SMC Classmate Interview

Mother, reporter, icon in the making- Racquel “Racqui” Stephens, a product of the Virgin Islands struts the hallways of Newhouse during the week and  is a full time mother on the     weekends; while perfecting her  craft  hosting her own radio show in her current  hometown of Rochester, NY.  Ambitious, driven, and goal oriented are some of the few words that describes Racqui’s work ethic. But how can one keep at this pace on a consistent level for this length of time?  Racqui’s secret to her undying drive is her “why”. Her “why” is her son. Throughout all of the adversity Racqui faced from being in an abusive relationship and the constant discouragement from those closest to her, the grind never stops. As her biggest challenge and accomplishment Racqui’s son is the center of her world and the “why” of her life.

Transcribed Interview:

So, where were you born? Yes,  born and raised in St. Lucia island in the West Indies and I was raised in the Virgin Islands with my family. My mom. Actually my grandma first went to the Virgin Islands that she sent for my mom and then like a year later my mom sent for me. So I got my citizenship through my mom when I was about 1 when the Virgin Islands in Rochester undergrad University of Rochester undergrad 10 years ago, and then I just stayed.
My mom next to me my dad is doing something but I just wanted to be free at age 66 and myself. Okay, so talking about finding yourself because she's a single mother like my dad.
It is living his best life elsewhere. So she raised me and she's like a business owner. She doing each other's company and see what she's doing a lot on the island. So it's like what happened that role model that strong woman it kind of infant influences you to be that way, you know, even if you don't want it took me a little while to get where I need to be close with my own pace with me and her can get along with that. But but she's definitely someone I want to emulate. My mom is the strongest woman. I know as cliche as it sounds she is and but as far as like someone in the industry that I look up to I Really Love Rachel Nichols and what she does and how she does it and I feel like I want to be that I want that respect and that notarize it and if she were people request me, and you know, how people are.
Just make sure she's like the girl next door, even though she's like this this great Sports journalist and writer. She still the girl next door. And I shoot she has that respect in the industry where everyone people are comfortable talking to her like that you had you get every quiet for 11 minutes. You ain't got that man to talk for 11 minutes. Like that's that's the type of guy. I want the type book.
The type of looking for some type of like stamp. I want to make an industry. I like that was your biggest challenge in life when I have my son right now being a mom and I am going to grad school. So being away from my son more than half the week but I just look at the bigger goal is to create a better life for both of us in the thing thinking about me and him at the same time cuz I want to be successful and I want him to know that his mom is successful. So is my biggest motivation in the biggest struggle some days. I just cried and I didn't want to be around my son. But then other times I'm like, you know what I'm doing it for him and that's what makes me go harder and I don't like I have to.
Kick, my bad habits because I need to get this done successfully because of him. So would you say he's your why in life?
He's my why he's my how he's everything. That's my that's my heart. That's my heart. So was I doing because of him? I do it because of him because you know, I of course I want the same and the money and all that stuff and I want to do what I love for the rest of my life, but my son definitely keeps me motivated and keeps me grinding definitely. So my last question aside from all that what makes you stand out.
I had this big vibrant personality in high school. I was a tomboy basketball hoop in shorts boxer briefs Timberland boots guys asking where you got those pants from Big Time with my family my aunts. My mom. We are so scared. But oh my God is she could ever go out of this and I can definitely environment for that go all I stay true to myself. Even when I adapt is kind of weird eye is kind of an oxymoron, but I really can't adapt and I just think my personality you can't do what we do without a personality in without being relatable and then inviting and I kind of pride myself on that and also my style.
I can dress myself. I'm 31 and it took me about two years of love myself. Let me do something for me.
And then they gave me the confidence to do what I do now.

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