Friday, July 20, 2018

A Sneak Peak At Rebecca Anthone

Tamar Turner
COM 600
25 July 2018
Transcribed Interview 
Interviewer: Tamar Turner
Interviewee: Rebecca Anthone

Q: Where are you from, where’d you grow up?

I’m from Buffalo, NY. I went to school at Canisius College for undergrad and that was only 30 minutes from my house so I’m a big homebody. 

Q: What’s something on your bucket list you want to accomplish within the next 2 years?

Number 1 is find a job right after graduating from Newhouse. I’ve done a lot of internships so I’m kind of done with doing that. I hope to get a job over an internship. I want to get a job in another area. I moved away from Buffalo so that was a big step for me, but I think that I can go even further and experience life in a new city so that would be cool. 

Q: Do you have an siblings?

Yeah I have a twin sister and an older sister.

Q: What exactly in Public Relations do you want to do?

I’m thinking that I want to do Public Relations for a professional sports time which is why I’m in the Sports Communication emphasis. Dealing with the communications department, I think it would be really cool to work in the communications department for the Bills and work on community outreach, social media, promoting the Bills, and maintaining the good rep for Pegula Sports and the Bills team. 

Q: If you could only visit one website for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I would read a newspaper, I’d probably read the New York Times.

Q: What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit?

I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland. I applied for a study abroad program in Ireland after my junior year in college and got in but decided I couldn’t go because of costs and I was a swimmer in college so I couldn’t take that much time off for practicing. I really like the culture there and although they speak English it’s still very different from the United States so I want to experience that. But hopefully I can in the future. 

Q: What is your favorite genre of music?

I like Country. Hehehehehe

Q: Have you ever played an instrument?

I played the piano for 8 years, I loved it but then in high school I got too busy with swimming and I quit. And now we still have a piano in my house, but I go to play and I can play and mess around but I cant read music anymore which is kind of crazy. 

Q: What’s your best swimming memory?

Probably this picture. It’s got to be my senior year in February at my championship meet. In our 400-free relay I was the veteran on the relay team, I was a senior and then my other 3 teammates were two freshmen and a sophomore. It was a 400-free relay I don’t know if I said that, we went into this relay just hoping that we would place top 3 not expecting to win or anything. Oh sorry, this was a 200-free relay. And the first girl went and she PR’ed, she as staying up with the competition and the next two girls went and they were a little bit behind but I knew I had to pull through for these 3 girls. I go in and we actually ended up touching first so that was really cool and unexpected, which is why it makes it the best memory of my swimming career. 

Q: What’s an embarrassing talent you have?

I don’t think I have one. 

Q: Do you have any weird hobbies? Favorite thing to do in your spare time, it can be weird or funny?

I don’t know if it’s weird, but I am a fan of getting up early at 5:30 in the morning and working out. So I guess that different from other people. After retiring from swimming I didn’t think that I’d be able to get up at those hours anymore but now that I have been getting in the routine of doing that I really enjoy it and like going for runs and stuff. I’m like a huge fan of the beach, huge, huge fan and like being by the water in general. So any free time I have, if there’s a pool, lake, or ocean I can find around me, I go there. 

Q: If you could cover any team in the Public Relations field, who would it be and why?

The Bills. They stink but I think that if you ever go to Buffalo you’ll see it’s a city that’s so centered on its sports teams. Although they’re bad it brings everybody together so I think that aspect of it all makes me really aspire to be a PR director or whatever it is that the Bills have. 

Who is Rebecca Anthone?

Rebecca is a Buffalo, NY native who preferred being close to home the majority of her life until getting accepted to Newhouse’s Public Relations program. She’s well versed in swimming, so much so that her senior year at Canisius College ended with her relay team unexpectedly winning the 200-meter freestyle at their championship meet. Swimming is one sport that drastically changed her schedule in high school and college. At Canisius, she was offered the opportunity to study abroad in Ireland but declined due to costs and not being able to take that much time off from swimming. 
Upon graduating from Newhouse, Rebecca plans to immediately find a job, particularly in public relations. If it were up to her, she would be the new PR Director for the Buffalo Bills, despite their all time record of 431 wins and 483 losses. She loves the idea Buffalo fans come together regardless of performance and she wants to continuously be a part of that camaraderie. In a perfect world, you could find Rebecca near any body of water, listening to her beloved country music, and scrolling through the New York Times website. 

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