Monday, July 23, 2018

Keir Chapman Hula Hooping His Way to Central New York.

Upon meeting Keir Chapman one of the first things that struck me about him is just how laid back he is. He used words like 'Chill' and 'like' quite a bit. So it makes sense when you learn that he was raised in Southern California.

His Father formally worked in IT and his Mother was a speech writer at UCLA before becoming a a freelance writer. Both now are trying to start a health and wellness center focusing among other things on yoga, meditation and a Ayurvedic diet.

Upon graduating from High School Keir attended California Lutheran University. While there Keir squeaked his sneakers on the hard wood for the CLU JV Basketball. He was also the sports director of the campus radio station ICLU. 

After a foray into the theatre and local sports radio he moved to New York City. While he had a good tie there he eventually knew that he needed to get serious if he ever wanted a role in the sports media.  So, with that in mind it was to Syracuse he came.

Keir's love of sports dates back to before elementary school. he loves football but his main passion is basketball. He is a Boston Celtics fan which is weird because he grew up less than 20 miles from Staple Center where both the Lakers and Clippers play which is more than a little strange but, hey what can you do.  

One of the interesting things about Keir is, his undying love of Hula Hooping. according to him he can hoop for over 30 minutes. not only can he hoop for a long time but he can hoop backwards, forwards and he can even hoop side to side. 

Keir is thrilled to be here in Central NY and is excited to see what the future has in store.  

Sam Carter Interviewing Keir Chapman Transcript 

Sam: Hey Kier, Tell me about where you are from?

Keir: so I’m from California and like just a whole bunch of all over the place. I was born in Northern California and then moved to Southern California when I was about 4.

Sam: for your parents work?

Keir: I don’t even remember why I think they just wanted to live in southern California. Then my Mom when to Grad school at UCLA so, my brothers and eventually my sister when she was born in 98, and I lived at UCLA graduate housing for like 6 years and raised a family with my dad.

Sam: what do your folks do?

Keir: so, my dad used to work in IT and my mom was a speech writer for UCLA when we were living at UCLA. Now my mom is a freelance writer and my dad and my mom both do a health and wellness trying to start a health and wellness center that teaches yoga and meditation and ayurvedic diet.

Sam: is that where the pescatarianism comes from?

Keir: It’s a huge factor I’m sure my mom wouldn’t want me eating fish but I need something. So yea I lived in Southern California my hole like went to college at California Lutheran University where I studied communication for film and TV production and played a little basketball.

Sam: what position did you play?

Keir: Shooting Guard. That’s because I don’t have good enough ball handling to be a point guard. At least that’s what I tell myself any way. So, I played for a couple years I was sports director of our student radio station.

Sam: What was the station?

Keir: It was ICLU because CLU was the abbreviation of our school. I was sports director there. Graduated You don’t have to use this quote if you don’t want to but I kind of dicked around for like a year and a half until I got a job at Dunkin picked up a job at Dunkin. Started doing improv and doing community theatre, while doing improv I met a person who had a radio show on the local radio network. I’m like but me on your show I’ve done sports radio for the last two years he was like what ever. They had another sports radio analyst who apparently played for the Falcons at some point but he’s an idiot so. His commentary was terrible so eventually they stopped calling him so I was like that’s chill. S0, I was on that show until the Newspaper that owned that show merged with another newspaper. The other local paper and the radio station didn’t get along so as soon as the merger went through they cancelled the show. So, I was without a radio show but I was writing for both papers so I had my fill of sports work. I moved to New York with a girl I met at the theatre company. I don’t know if you want her name, it doesn’t really pertain. Lived with her for a bit things got a little weird after a while and eventually we broke up, almost a year ago now.

Sam: To the day?

Keir: oh no no no almost a year ago…September actually. I know the day but I have to let that go at some point I don’t know if you are going to use this but.

Sam: You got years’ buddy.

Keir: So, I kinda just messed around New York City for the rest of my time there had a good time but it was confusing times. And that’s when I realized I need to come back to school because I can’t just jump in to the media market in NY the same way I could in Santa Clarita California. 

Sam: did you have a moment where when you were a kid when you were older when you decided that sports was the direction you wanted to go in?

Kier: oh yea when I was a kid, I loved football ever since I was in elementary school and basketball before I loved football.

Sam: Lakers?

Keir: No.

Sam: Clippers?

Keir: Celtics.

Sam: Celtics…CELTICS.

Kier: Don’t make that face. You guys can’t see his but its really hard to look at.

Sam: you are from Los Angels?

Keir: My mom is from Connecticut. 

Sam: Anything you want to know about you?

Keir: I’m really good at Hula Hooping. Like legitimately time wise my record is 30 minutes. I can do tricks I can walk with it I can go backwards.

Sam: That’ll do it.          

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