Monday, July 23, 2018

Dom's Way Or The Highway

Tamar Turner
COM 600
25 July 2018

Transcribed Interview
Interviewer: Tamar Turner
Interviewee: Dom Muccilo

Q: Where you from?

I’m from Wyckoff, New Jersey. It’s about 20 miles outside of New York City so I’ve kind of been in the suburbs my whole life. Just walking down my street you can actually see the skyline of New York City so it’s a big part of where I grew up for sure.

Q: What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled? National or international?

My favorite place I’ve ever traveled to is Florence, Italy. My junior year of undergrad at Marist I was fortunate enough to study out there for four months. So living there and being in another country that was a big leap in my independence if you want to say. I kind of went out there by myself, I didn’t go with a group of friends or anything like that. I had random roommates but we made it work. Actually the first night I was out there I wound up losing my phone, I got pickpocketed. So here I am in Italy with no phone and the phone is the way to get around, that’s main source of navigation and I was just totally lost the first two weeks. So I ended up talking to my dad who was like “I can’t believe you lost your phone” but overall I think that experience was really able to make me an independent person. Kind of fend for yourself a little bit.

Q: Who is your favorite athlete? What makes them stand out so much to you?

Hands down it’s Derek Jeter. I am a Yankees fan, so I’m definitely bias about that but I think when you look at Derek Jeter even as not a Yankees fan, everybody talks about the kind of person he was off the field. Growing up my dad always said Derek Jeter goes by the motto: You never wanna embarrass your parents. And I think that’s really important in the way you carry yourself and your character regardless of what you do in your own professional life. Jeter was obviously a great player on the field. He had his clutch moments, won his championships but at the end of the day you are what you are as a human, on a human level. So I think that his character really stuck with me and he was somebody who I really looked up to. Like he was my hero growing up and still is to this day. 

Q: If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

I would want people to remember me s a selfless person, somebody who is a jokester. I never try to take myself too seriously so I think if I can leave people with one thing it would be just never take life seriously. I want my memory to be that goofy guy, who was light-hearted, who worked hard, gave to others, always looked after others and put them before himself. But at the same time had some comedic relief mixed in there also.

Q: When it’s all said and done and you graduate Newhouse, where do you see yourself going immediately?

Immediately I think it’s hard to say. I know there’s a number of different routes people go out of here, a million different routes I should say. But I would like to be at MLB Network. Baseball has been my number one sport growing up and it’s just something that I know most about. I also live 20 minutes away from MLB Network offices in Secaucus so being some type of broadcast associate I think is a realistic goal that I’ve set for myself and I think something that I’m going to strive for but again I’m open to a lot of things. 

Q: Favorite position to play in baseball?

My favorite position to play is outfield although I did grow up playing catcher. Then, when I got to high school around my junior year when it was time to shape up and make the varsity team they said I was too small to play catcher. But I was nimble enough to move around in the outfield and I always had a good throwing arm. So I was able to make it work out there and I wound up actually really enjoying it. Plus being a catcher I would wind up with bumps and bruises, I had tendonitis in my knee when I was like 14 so that wasn’t the most fun thing. 

Q: What is an embarrassing moment that you’ll never forget?

I got to think what’s appropriate to say in the interview. I did get caught egging a house once. I was a sophomore in high school, it wasn’t my proudest moment. I got caught egging a house and my dad found out about it. The parents of the house threatened to press charges or whatever against me and my friend because they had cameras there and we didn’t realize there were cameras there. We thought we were sneaky but yeah that didn’t work out so well. That was definitely not my proudest moment and my dad didn’t talk to me for like three weeks. 

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Pasta. The carbs you need to survive and I’m also Italian too so that’s a big part of that answer for sure. I would say pasta.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 50 years?

In 50 years I see myself in a villa in Italy overlooking the Amalfi Coast. I think that’s an end goal that’s kind of out there a little bit but I lived in Italy for four months, I love it there. That’s a place I would really like to retire. I took Itlian in high school and my grandmother grew up in Italy so I’m second generation in that regard. I do know how to speak the language a little bit. I know how to understand it better than I speak it but I think in 50 years if I’m still kicking at 72, I think I would want ot be just hilling in Italy with my wife and family.

When Italy And Eggs Meet

Although he grew up in Wyckoff, NJ Dom Muccilo has a passion for New York City, part of the reason being he can see the skyline just by walking down his street. However, in his mind nothing can top the beautiful country of Italy. While completing his undergraduate degree at Marist College, he was granted the opportunity to study in Florence for four months. The journey started a bit rocky, since he was pickpocketed for his phone in the first 24 hours of being there. However, he enjoyed the experience and says it was a true testament to the independent person he has since become. 

            Dom is a baseball fanatic, and idolizes Derek Jeter not only as a Yankees fan, but also because of his off the field involvement as well. Dom’s pretty experienced in baseball as well, playing both catcher and outfield growing up. However, his powerful throwing arm really showed the night he was caught egging a house in the neighborhood with one of his friends. All in all, Dom is a selfless guy who wants nothing more than to live happily ever after in a villa overlooking the Amalfi Coast with his wife and family. 

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