Monday, July 23, 2018

Experiences of a Lifetime : Brandon Williams

Small school, big experiences.  That describes Brandon William’s undergraduate experience at Wilmington College.  Located just outside of Dayton, Ohio where Williams grew up, he got far more than he expected when joining the local Sports club.  Before graduating Williams was able to attend  and volunteer at two Super Bowls and last year’s College Football Championship.

Williams was eager to get involved in an organization that encouraged volunteering. The local director of the sports club was well connected and was able to give the students the opportunity to volunteer in the community and at these championship games.  Prior to attending the 2017 Super Bowl, Williams spent six weeks volunteering in the community. This past year he volunteered at Super Bowl 52 in Minnesota, and also traveled to Atlanta for the CFP championship game. He never thought he would get the chance to attend these types of games in his life, yet alone before he was even a college graduate.

--Kendra Sheehan

Interview Transcript

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A: I would have. Puerto Rico. I have no reason. It's something that's always been a dream destination for me since I've been younger like I've just seen pictures and the water it looks so nice. And I like I can't swim but I would like to jump off one of those cliffs in Puerto Rico

Q: What was your favorite vacation?

A: I went to the Dominican Republic in I think it was 2007 for my uncles wedding. That was pretty cool especially because it was like all the expenses paid for. So I think I got down and went to restaurants and it was free because it was on the resort, well it wasn’t free but it was already paid for. So you know we can go to the little bar in the pool and stuff like that so that was pretty legit. So I really enjoyed it.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

A: 20 years. Hopefully established in sports and film industry like maybe doing sports documentaries so a way to tie them together. Those are two things I want to do in this film -  is sports I think sports documentaries will be my way to clash my two interests together.

Q: What pets do you own?

A:  Well it's not exactly my pet but my uncle lives with me so he has a dog. The dog's name is Rocky. He is a pit mix with something.  He's a wild dog and he's a big dog. But you know we love him.

Q: If you could own any animal as a pet what would it be?

A: I would say a monkey. Just so it can hang around my neck and run around me. So yeah a monkey.

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I grew up in Dayton Ohio. Born and raised

Q: Have you lived anywhere else?

A: No I was only like 15 minutes away from Dayton for grad school.

Q: Where did you go for your undergrad?

A: It’s a small school called Wilmington College like and the country is like 50 minutes away from Cincinnati, Dayton, or Columbus, so if I did want to go on the weekends it was right in the central area, where I could go to those nice parties and stuff like that and other schools.

Q: What was your major in?

A: Communication Arts and I had a minor in Business Administration

Q: If you could live anywhere where would it be?

A: You know what I would probably say Canada. And I say Canada because I work at Finish Line at Destiny USA at the mall and I've had two customers for the past two days from Canada coming to talk to me about stuff like that and they really sold me on it like so I want to go on a vacation there soon. And I might want to live there right.

Q: What is something unique about you?

A: Well I have had some unique experiences like I've been into two Super Bowls and the last college football championship. At my school undergrad, we had a school called the Sports Club and the director of a sports club he was over the Sports Management major. He has some connects, so people who knew how to volunteer for the Super Bowl and what not. So we went so the year before we went to Houston volunteer for six weeks. Then this past year we were in Minnesota and then we were in Atlanta this past year also for college football championships. And not only do we get to  volunteer through the league. We got to go into the games and like that's something I never thought I'd do like even before 22 or whatever. I never thought I would do that in a lifetime. So like that's some pretty unique experiences I would say. It's still crazy for me to think about like I did it. But it's like I remember seeing the games with my eyes and just like man I still don't believe it. But it was wid.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant?

A: I like TGI Fridays.  I love ribs and I love TGI Fridays ribs. It's really good.

Q: How many siblings do you have?

A: I have two, no I actually have three. I have three siblings. One lives in Detroit Michigan and the other two live in California. One is in Sacramento, California and the other is in Oakland California.

Q: What are their names?

A: Okay so the one in Detroit is Malic. He's only 6 months younger than me. You can do the math, its not by the same mom you can do the math. I have a sister Neveah and I have a brother, his name is Marc

Q: Are you close with your siblings?

A: I am close with my siblings. All younger than me. I do talk to them a lot though. I want to go see them. He's not my youngest brother he's my oldest brother but he actually went to undergrad like 20 minutes away from me so that was an opportunity for us to kind of like visit and stuff like that because he's usually 3 hours away. So his school and  my school were like 20 minutes away so I was able to become closer to him through that. And then I just talked to my other siblings. I've been out there to visit them 3 times in California, so I want to go see them pretty soon.


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