Monday, July 30, 2018

Booth-Michael Tricarico Interview

Daniel Booth                                                                                           Professor Stomski
COM-600                                                                                                                 7/30/18

                                                Interview: Michael Tricarico

            Michael Tricarico is the Assistant Play by Play Broadcaster for the Syracuse Chiefs. While attending Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications, he participated in numerous clubs and organizations to hone his skills. Tricarico was a member of WAER, Z89, and Citrus TV during his time at Newhouse. The valuable experiences gained from these organizations opened the door for Tricarico to intern for the Syracuse Chiefs, Falmouth Commodores, and work for the Auburn Doubleday’s all while he was still an undergraduate student. Working for the Auburn Doublday’s was his first paying job in sports media.
            Michael Tricarico’s dream job is to be a play-by-play announcer for a major television network like ESPN or CBS. Baseball, basketball, football are all sports he can see himself broadcasting on the big stage. Tricarico tries to give back to Newhouse whenever he can, and he prides himself in helping students in need along the way. Tricarico believes it’s important for students at Newhouse to take advantage of the facilities, join clubs on campus, and ask questions every chance they get.

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